Your drivng feedback is used to help us work out your renewal price. We work out this price from your driving data, plus any No Claims Discount you’ve earned. Things like how many miles you drove in the previous year and any details that have changed will also go into the calculation.
Read more... SECTION ARCHIVE TODO:The cost of repairing or replacing your car is only one of the factors that goes into calculating your insurance price. Repairs to other cars or property you damage are also taken into consideration but that’s not what makes crashes so costly. The true cost of a crash is when people are hurt. Care for […]
Read more... SECTION ARCHIVE TODO:Insurers look at loads of things to work out your insurance price, including your age, job, where you live and your car. They also look at the cost of repair, how much other people with your details crash and how much compensation for injuries and damage cost.
Read more... SECTION ARCHIVE TODO:Nope, there‘s no additional cost as it’s part of what you pay for your insurance. However, a charge may apply if you change your car or cancel your policy.
Read more... SECTION ARCHIVE TODO:Yes, if you don’t want to pay for your insurance upfront, you can choose monthly instalments. You’ll normally be asked to pay a 20% deposit followed by 10 monthly payments. This way of paying is kind of like a loan that you pay back each month, so there’s an APR (a bit like interest) on […]